Homework Note week 24

Post date: 29-Feb-2016 15:26:49

Dear Parents,

Thank you again for supporting the Lenten activities in the school. They will continue over the next weeks. A reminder - we have given each child a tool for school checklist. We keep these in the pencil case. Please regularly ask the children have they got all the tools they need for school. Just like a builder needs tools to build they need tools to learn in school. As part of our activities around Easter 1916 in the school our plan for our class is that we will dress as a class from 1916. So have a look at the photographs again and see if you have anything suitable at home for your child to wear on the day. If you are handy with a needle and thread maybe you can help me out. The collars may need to be made. We will have a dress rehearsal on this Friday as part of the colours day. Just drop me a note if you have time on Friday to call in and see what needs to be done. Again, if you have any other ideas that would help us please let me know. We plan to have hurling training on Wednesday this week. If you have a helmet or suitable size hurley (no bigger than 24”) please send them in. We have some Hurleys and helmets if not.

Word Wallet activities.

Jolly Phonics – We are learning the alternative ways to spell some of the sounds /y/ (sunny), /ea/, /igh/, /ow/ (cow) /ew/, /ir/, /ur/, /au/, /aw/, /al/, /oy/, ) /ow/ (snow)

This week we are working on the alternative spellings for the /or/ sound - spelt as “au” and “aw”.

Please get the children to make up the following words. 3 per night

haunt, vault, haul, august, fault, launch, saw, draw, paw, crawl, dawn, yawn, straw

Tricky Word activities. – Children will continue learning the Tricky Words. We are learning the blue List 5. See the Tricky words prezi on our class website. We use this in class to practice.

Our Aistear theme is moving to the old classroom. If you have any items that would help us play please send them in. I will return the tools from the building site this week.

There are 3 more online Studyladder activities to complete if possible.


Mr. Gleeson.

Homework Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Week 24

Bookworm club reader and Word Wallet

Seniors – Maths Handout (½page each night)

Jolly Phonics Workbook 3 p16 & p17 (½page each night)

1st Class – Maths Handout (½page each night)

Tricky Word Sentences – See Handout List 10 – 2 sentences per night.

Spellings – words in spelling copy.

Tables p23 -7

Our religion workbook “Grow In Love” has a home activity each week. P35 I remember

Jolly Phonics 42 sounds in order with a sample word.

Tricky Words 5