Homework Note Week 12

Post date: 20-Nov-2017 10:28:21

Dear Parents,

Thank you for returning all the signed tests and sending in the items and materials for our science experiments. We will have our parent teacher meetings this week if that suits everyone.

I have set up a booking form for the Parent Teacher meetings on our class website. Please see the link on our class page on the left hand side. Hopefully that booking system will work and you will not be waiting around for too long on the day (Nov 23rd). There are some other slots available on other days that week. I hope there is a time slot to suit everyone.

This week we are learning both the “ch” sound.

Aistear Theme: The Doctor

Grow in Love:There is usually an activity to be completed in it each week.

Super Troopers:We are on Purple Week 3. There are some fun activities to try at home.

Word Wallets/Tools for school: Please ensure that your child has all the sounds/names/tools. I often give dojo points to the children who have all of theirs.

Word Wallet activities.

1. Jolly Phonics Ask the children to make a word or words using the sounds (green cards) they already have. This week we are working on words that contain the “ch” sound.

2. This week we are working on words that contain the “ch” sound.

chin, chop, chat, china, chick, chain, cheese and chair

Sight Words: Match, say, make a sentence. Seniors are learning and 1st are revising tricky words 1.

We are talking about the doctor and learning about weight. We are also practicing for our Christmas concert - Prickly Hay.


Mr. Gleeson.

Homework Monday-Thursday

Bookworm club reader/Word Wallet /Super Trooper - activities every night.

Grow In Love – weekly activity.

Seniors – Maths handout (½page each night)

Jolly Phonics Workbook 2 p11 & 13 (½page each night) Add some colour !!

1st Class – Maths Handout (½page each night)

- Word list handout. Write 2 sentences per night. Don’t forget the 3 boxes !!

- Spellings 10 words (see spelling copy) (Test on Friday)

- Tables p24 8+ (Test on Friday)

- Leigh Sa Bhaile p14 (M+Tues) + p15(W+Thurs)

Tricky Words (List 1 and 2)

Jolly Phonics 42 sounds in order with a sample word.(Shaded)