Homework Note week 7

Post date: 13-Oct-2015 14:42:53

Dear Parents,

We had a visit from a shopkeeper last week and the children got to ask him questions about his work. We are moving our Aistear theme from the shop to the farm this week. If you know of a local farmer who would come in to talk to the class please let me know. We plan to visit Curraghchase on this Thursday. Please send in the form and €2 if you have not already done so. Please ensure children keep their earphones with them in their bag. The earphones are essential in a busy classroom with other activities going on. If your child owes some money for phone calls I will write the amount here ___.

Just a few notes.

Aistear Theme the Farm

Word Wallet activities. (These are progressing)

Jolly Phonics – for each sound

1. Match the green sound, make the sound and show you the action.

2. Ask the children to make a word or words using the sounds (green cards) they already have. This week we are working on words that contain the “ng” sound. Try to make these words

Monday ring,

Tuesday string, strong

Wednesday song, King

Thursday bang, rang,

Sight Word activities. - We will move to new Tricky words later this week

1. Match the blue card to its place on the white card. (Place the blue Brian on top of the white Brian)

2. Children say the name.

3. Ask the children for a sentence or sentences with that name in it. (Brian has a red car.)

4. Suggest that they give you a sentence where the word Brian is not at the start of the sentence.

If you need to make a new sound or name you can use the reverse of this page stuck to a piece of card. I will give rewards to the children who have all of theirs.

This week we will talk about Halloween in Irish and English, learn about 2D and 3D shapes and 1st Class will be learning more spellings and the 3+ tables.


Mr. Gleeson.

Homework Monday – Thursday

Bookworm club reader and Word Wallet

Seniors - Maths Handout (½ page each night)

Jolly Phonics Workbook 1 p21 & p22 (½page each night)

1st Class – Maths Handout (½page each night)

Treasury p18 & 19 (one activity each night)

Spellings ar words

Tables p14 3+

Our religion workbook “Grow In Love” has a home activity each week.

Seniors/1st Class Names 2015/2016

Jolly Phonics 42 sounds in order.