Homework Note Week 27

Post date: 11-Apr-2016 14:08:17

Dear Parents,

Thank you for sending in the items for the Aistear Travel table and for signing and returning the children’s tests. If you have any items needed for travel or from another country that we could talk about please send them in for our Aistear table.


PE days are Mondays and Wednesdays. We are hurling.

Our School Tour this year will be on Friday June 17th.

Word Wallet activities.

Jolly Phonics – We are learning about words with an “a” with the silent or magic e at the end.

Please get the children to make up the following words. 3 per night

bake, cake, cave, bale, lake, maze, safe, rage, made, rate, late, name

Tricky Word activities. – Children will continue learning the Tricky Words. We are learning the blue List 5. See the Tricky words prezi on our class website. We use this in class to practice.

In Maths the seniors will be learning about Money and -10 tables.


Mr. Gleeson.

Homework Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Week 27

Bookworm club reader and Word Wallet

Seniors – Maths Handout (½page each night)

Jolly Phonics Workbook 3 p22 & p23 (½page each night)

1st Class – Maths Handout (½page each night)

Tricky Word Sentences – See Handout List 16 – 2 sentences per night.

Spellings – words in spelling copy.

Tables p29 -10

Our religion workbook “Grow In Love” home activity. P39. Jesus calms the storm.

Tricky Words List 3 and 4

Tricky Words 5