Homework Note Week14

Post date: 05-Dec-2017 16:26:36

Dear Parents,

We are practicing for our Christmas Show Prickly Hay which is set to start at 11.30 on Thursday December 21st. There is no school this Friday December 8th. I am testing the ixl platform between now and Christmas in the class. We have been using that in class on our iPads and laptops. Last week we did some activities on Money. Each child has their own login and password.

Go to https://ie.ixl.com/ to login in. There is a link on our class website.

You can install the app on a phone or iPad/tablet or use a browser on a computer/laptop.

Username ________________88 password: shop

You don’t need to sign up or pay anything.

Aistear Theme: The Doctor

Grow in Love:There is usually an activity to be completed in it each week.

Super Troopers:We are on Green Week 1. There are some fun activities to try at home.

Word Wallets/Tools for school: Please ensure that your child has all the sounds/names/tools.

Word Wallet activities.

1. Jolly Phonics Ask the children to make a word or words using the sounds (green cards) they already have. This week we are working on words that contain the “th” sound.

2. This week we are working on words that contain the “th” sound. Try to make these words

this, that, then, (Monday) with, them, than (Tues)

thin, thick, moth, tenth (Wednesday)

3. Make sure to use the correct “th” sound and not the “t” and “h”

Sight Words: Match, say, make a sentence. Seniors are learning and 1st are revising tricky words 1.

We are talking about the doctor and The Toy show. We are also practicing for our Christmas concert - Prickly Hay. I am giving 5 dojo points to the reader of the week from both Seniors and 1st Class each week.


Mr. Gleeson.

Homework Monday-Wednesday

Bookworm club reader/Word Wallet /Super Trooper - activities every night.

Grow In Love – weekly activity.

Seniors – Maths handout (½page each night)

Jolly Phonics Workbook 2 p16 (½page each night) Add some colour !!

1st Class – Maths Handout (½page each night)

- Word list handout. Write 2 sentences per night. Don’t forget the 3 boxes !!

- Spellings 10 words (see spelling copy) (Test on Thurs)

- Tables p28 10+ (Test on Thurs)

- Leigh Sa Bhaile p59

Tricky Words (List 1 and 2)

Jolly Phonics 42 sounds in order with a sample word.(Shaded)